Call for papers, workshops, tutorials, and exhibitions

We are very pleased to invite you to contribute to the IEEE RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots 2019 to be held in Toronto, Canada. In addition to scientific papers presented during the conference, the conference will feature tutorials and workshops on the first day of the conference, and a centrally located exhibition space.

Information for prospective authors, exhibitors and contributors is available on the conference website.

Topics of Interest
• Principles and technologies for anthropomorphic/bionic design and control
• Novel materials, devices, mechanisms, energy system for humanoids
• Software and hardware architecture, system integration
• Whole-body dynamics, control, sensing, informatics
• Measuring, modeling and simulating humans
• Teleoperation, tele-experience, tele-presence using humanoids
• Humanoid locomotion, manipulation, perception, planning
• Human and humanoid skills/cognition/interaction
• Adaptation, learning and cognitive development of humanoids
• Humanoids for human science and engineering
• Cyborgs, prostheses, assistive devices and sensor/motor suits
• Neuro-robotics and brain-robot interfaces for humanoids and humans
• Social interaction and acceptability
• Applications: home, field, space, social, industrial, medical, health/mental care, art/entertainment, education
• Superhuman humanoids / future humanoids (possibility, technology and meaning)
• Grand challenges, competitions, outreach
• Humanoid ethics and philosophy