
All submission must be done electronically via PaperPlaza.

  • RA-L papers with Humanoids presentation option shall be submitted no later than June 7, 2019 Pacific time.
  • Papers shall be submitted before the deadline on July 7, 2019 Pacific time.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) with Humanoids presentation option

We are very pleased to announce that IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) with Humanoids presentation option is launched this year.
Information about paper submission to RA-L with Humanoids presentation option can be found at Papers accepted by RA-L with Humanoids presentation option will be presented at the conference and published in RA Letters.

Please follow the RA-L submission process on PaperPlaza for IEEE RA-L Submission and select Submission for RA-L and Humanoids. Please do not follow the Humanoids 2019 submission process.

Regular submission to Humanoids 2019

For more information on the regular submission to the conference :

Accepted submissions are original research papers and proposal for workshops and tutorials:

Papers shall be submitted before the deadline on July 7, 2019 Pacific time. No extension will be granted.

Late breaking report submission to Humanoids 2019

This year Humanoids 2019 will have a late breaking report session for those who want to have their new and young work exposed to the Humanoids community. The 1page abstract shall be submitted through paperplaza from August 28, 2019 and by September 4, 2019. Notification of acceptance will be given by September 12, 2019 and final submission should be done similarly to regular paper by September 18, 2019.Late breaking report will not appear on ieee xplore. For more information and details: