Social Media and Apps


Get all the latest updates related to ICRA’16, and future editions, by following us
on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, or Google+.
Send us your announcements, pictures, videos, news, and gatherings @icra16 or use #ICRA16 on twitter. You can also email

Become a communicator
Are you a student interested in helping with social media during the conference? Would you like to improve your communication skills, be part of a professional team of communicators, and be a the center of activities at ICRA? Email with a short letter of motivation and an outline of relevant experience on social media (social media accounts, blogs, videos, etc).

The ICRA App
The ICRA app is a great way to plan your conference, network with attendees, and receive updates about the latest happenings. As a registered participant, you will receive a welcome email to download the app on your phone or tablet. Please contact for more information.