Call for Organized Sessions

The goal of organized sessions is to provide focused discussions on a new topic or innovative applications of a new approach related to the various aspects of all kinds of robots.

At least 4 papers are required for each organized session. For oral presentations, at least 30% of the papers in a session should be international papers. Otherwise, organized session papers will be presented in poster sessions. If the first or the corresponding author(s) belong to non-Korean affiliations, the paper is classified as the international paper. This requirement is recommended by the Korean government for international academic collaborations.

Organized session papers can be either regular(4-8 pages) or work-in-progress(2-6 pages) papers according to the author's preferences. Note that work-in-progress papers will not be uploaded to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Papers submitted to organized sessions are reviewed by the Conference Editorial Board(CEB). The CEB makes a decision on the acceptance and the type of presentation. More papers may be accepted for poster presentations because oral presentation slots are limited.

After filling out this form, please email your proposal by Feb. 15, 2019 to