Welcome to the official website of the IEEE Western Australia (WA) Section. IEEE WA Section is a not-for-profit technical unincorporated association registered with the Australian Business Registrar (ABN 73 150 912 699), and represents the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in Western Australia. In this website, you will find information about the Section, its sub-units, committee and activities.
Contact the IEEE WA Section: r10auwa-executive{at}listserv.ieee.org .

IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Department is pleased to announce that the IEEE WA Section has met both its recruitment and retention goals for the 2023 membership year. Congratulations! Membership development goals were developed based on your Section’s four-year performance. You are to be commended for continuing to grow IEEE membership locally.
Call for nominations for the IEEE WA Section Outstanding Volunteer Award 2024
Organising OU: Section
Nomination deadline: Deadline is 22 December 2024
Who can nominate/be nominated: Any IEEE member in WA can nominate or self-nominate for the award.
IEEE WA Section recognizes the vital role volunteers play in the realization of IEEE’s goals. Awards are appropriate to motivate and recognize the efforts and achievements of those individuals who have made substantial contribution to IEEE and Section Operational and Strategic Goals
The WA Section Outstanding Volunteer Award aims to encourage the high-spirited volunteerism and contributions of individuals and showcase their initiatives that have benefited a larger volume of fellow professionals and IEEE Members.
The individual nominated must be an IEEE member and can be from academia or industry at the time of nomination.
The individual should have made substantial contribution to the activities of the WA Section.
The individual should not have received the same award in the past three years.
Nomination Conditions
The nominee should be a member of IEEE and residing in WA
Any IEEE member can nominate a candidate for the award, self nomination in this award category is also permitted. The nomination form is available for downloading in this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l1dx_P4xFHwiyXycpWyaZ1q22MZEG86o/view?usp=drive_link .
The complete nomination document should be sent as pdf file to the IEEE WA Section Award Chair: Syed (syed.islam@ecu.edu.au).
Basis of Selection
The following points will be considered in the selection:
- The contributions of the individual that created an impact and added value to the membership of IEEE
- The impact of the activity or activities organized by the individual towards the goal of IEEE
A maximum of two volunteers will be selected for this award in 2024.
Basis Of Selection - Responsibilities
List in chronological order (with dates) nominee's current and past IEEE volunteer positions and responsibilities.
Basis Of Selection - Significant Nature of Achievement
Please explain concisely what was innovative or significant about the approach or method of Nominee’s achievement. The accomplishments of the Nominee should be of "significant performance" and should have made a distinguishing contribution to IEEE.
Comment succinctly about the Nominee’s administrative and leadership skills; and her/his support for work of other IEEE volunteers, and promoting the objectives of the IEEE and IEEE WA Section Limit statement to 500 words
Selection Committee
The nominations will be evaluated and ranked by the WA Section Awards Committee.
The selection committee will nominate a citation.
The decision of the Selection Committee is final.
Award Instrument & Presentation
A signed certificate will be awarded to the winner(s) at the next convenient WA Section meeting.
The winner(s) will also be considered for submission to equivalent Australia Council and Region 10 Awards
Nomination form should be submitted to: IEEE WA Section Award Chair: syed.islam@ecu.edu.au
Deadline for nominations: 22 December 2024 at 23:59 hrs (AWST)
For further information contact: syed.islam@ecu.edu.au
IEEE WA Section and Chapters: Call for 2025 nominations
The IEEE is the largest professional engineering organisation in the world with over 400,000 members worldwide. Western Australia has over 600 members.
Each year the term of the elected officers ends on the 31st Dec and the newly elected officers commence early in the following year. Many of the volunteers continue to support the IEEE and nominate from year to year (within limits of maximum terms). The IEEE Western Australia Section and it's technical society chapters are inviting nominations from existing IEEE committee members and also members at large to serve on its committees in 2025. New volunteers are welcome.
The main elected roles are: chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary on each of the committees. There are other appointed role opportunities e.g. webmaster, technical activities coordinator, awards and recognition coordinator, student activities coordinator, educational activities coordinator, membership development. These appointed roles are selected from the pool of other elected officers.
As a member of these committees you will get the opportunity to work with other IEEE volunteers and perhaps gain new skills or sharpen existing ones that can be applied in volunteer roles or help you in your employment. Some examples: organisation skills, minute taking, financial management, seminar and conference operations. The amount of time that you devote to volunteering is up to you and the role that you might enjoy, either because it suits your existing skills or you would like some challenges.
It can be a foot in the door to other IEEE volunteer activities locally and internationally. IEEE volunteer activity sometimes provides support and credibility towards your own career progression/recognition.
The main elected roles are:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Treasurer
- Secretary
You could also join as a general committee member and consider a specific role early on in 2025 once normal section operations gets underway.
The IEEE society organisational units (OU) that are included in the call for nomination in 2025 are:
- Western Australia Section – as the oversight group for all the WA activities
- Circuits and Systems Society (CAS04) Chapter
- Communications Society (COM19) Chapter
- Computer Society (C16) Chapter
- Industrial Electronics Society (IE13) Chapter
- Joint Computational Intelligence / Robotics & Automation Society (Joint CIS11/RA24) Chapter
- Joint Electron Devices / Solid State Circuits / Photonics Society (Joint ED15/SSC37/PHO36) Chapter
- Joint Power Engineering / Power Electronics Society (Joint PES31/PEL35) Chapter
- Signal Processing Society (SP01) Chapter
- System, Man and Cybernetics Society (SMC28) Chapter
For those societies not listed please contact the current 2024 chapter or OU chair directly for information about volunteering and/or serving on their 2025 committees.
The online nomination form is available at https://forms.office.com/r/MCsdhxPtRP.
The closing date for the nominations is COB Friday the 1st Nov 2024.