Seminar on Power Electronic Systems For Zero-Energy and Resource Efficient Buildings

Subject: | “Power Electronic Systems For Zero-Energy and Resource Efficient Buildings” |
Date: | 7 November 2019 |
Place | Warsaw Univ of Tech, room SK4 |
Start: | 12:15 AM |
Fee | Free of Charge |
Seminar on Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Systems

Subject: | “Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Systems” |
Date: | 29 October 2019 |
Place | Lukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Electrical Engineering, Warszawa Miedzylesie - Director Building, Mała Aula (2nd floor) |
Start: | 9:00 AM |
Fee | Free of Charge |
Contact | Artur J. Moradewicz Mobile: +48 609-080-290 E-mail: |
Lecture of prof. Fei Gao"Fuel cell technology for automotive applications"

Subject: | "Fuel cell technology for automotive applications" |
Date: | 25 October 2019 |
Place | Bialystok Univ of Tech, WE-007, ul. Wiejska 45D, 15-351 Białystok |
Start: | 10:00 AM |
The fuel cell is a potential candidate for energy storage and conversion in our future energy mix. Indeed, a fuel cell is able to directly convert the chemical energy stored in fuel (e.g. hydrogen) into electricity, without undergoing different intermediary conversion steps. Among the different fuel cell types, the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell has shown great potential in automotive applications, due to its low operating temperature, solid-state electrolyte, and compactness. Many experts consider the PEM fuel cells to be one of the potential embarked energy candidates for terrestrial transportation.
The basic physics in the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells and their material/structural composition, such as bipolar plates, gas diffusion layer, catalyst layer and proton exchange membrane (electrolyte), will be introduced and explained. In addition to the PEM fuel cell technology, a short review of other fuel cell technologies will also be given..
“Symposium: “Urządzenia energoelektroniczne w nowoczesnych sieciach elektroenergetycznych

Subject: | “Urządzenia energoelektroniczne w nowoczesnych sieciach elektroenergetycznych” |
Date: | 13 September 2019 |
Place | Warsaw University of Technology, CZiTT building, room 4.01. |
Start: | 8:30 AM |
“100th anniversary of the Jubilee of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers”

Name: | “100th anniversary of the Jubilee of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers” |
Date: | 24 May 2019 |
Place | University of Zielona Góra, Poland |
In the frame of the event “100th anniversary of the Jubilee of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers” have been shown six oral presentations:
- Activity of Association of Polish Electrical Engineers and history of Zielona Gora Branch, Waldemar Olczak
- Energy storage in power systems - selected applications, Marcin Jarnut, University of Zielona Gora
- Active demand management systems in the power system - research results, Szymon Wermiński, University of Zielona Gora
- Electromagnetic compatibility of power systems - selected practical aspects, Piotr Lezynski, University of Zielona Gora
- Superconductors in electrical power engineering - selected applications, Jacek Rusiński, University of Zielona Gora
- Presentation of production technology of HSMG graphene, Maciej Gałązka, Advanced Graphene Products (AGP)
There was opportunity to visit laboratories of Advanced Graphene Products (AGP) Firm involved in HSMG graphene production.
The seminar provided opportunity for informal exchange of knowledge between electrical and electronic engineers. Additionally, the official cooperation between IEEE and Association of Polish Electrical Engineers has been confirmed in practice.