ECCE 2009, September 20-24, San Jose, California, USA


IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) Travel Grant

The IEEE Power Electronics Society has a travel reimbursement program for student members who present a paper at the Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE) in San Jose, California, USA, Sept 20-24, 2009. This program will reimburse up to $400 of travel expenses associated with the conference for up to 70 students. To be eligible for this program, students must:

  • Have a paper accepted at IEEE ECCE 2009 and present the paper.
  • Be an IEEE student member and a PELS member.
Reimbursement of costs will be done at the conference registration site. The students who receive the travel grants are required to bring the notification email, filled W8 forms (required for students in the US) or W9 forms (required for students outside the US) to IEEE ECCE 2009 registration site to get reimbursement. W8 and W9 forms can also be found below.

Downloadable documents:
Travel reimbursement application
Sample electronic proof of memberships
W8 form (for students in the US)
W9 form
(for students outside the US)

Dr. Hui Li
Chair, IEEE PELS Education Activities Committee
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
2525 Pottsdamer St.
Tallahassee, FL 32310


2009 PELS Student Travel Award Winners

SeonHwan Hwang
Ali Sadighi
Yuran Go
Mostafa Khazraei
Jingya Dai
Jizhen Fu
Yi Du
Michael Evzelman
Debrup Das
Suroso Suroso
Yi Yang
Xiaohu Liu
Shengan Li
Chao Liu
Jiacheng Wang
Mickel Budhia
Phillip Karutz
Damoun Ahmadi Khatir
Seong Taek Lee
Jorg Dannehl
Keunwook Lee
Hyoung Yeon Cho
Arvind Govindaraj
Zhijun Qian
Qin Lei
Gierri Waltrich
Huai Wang
Zhe Zhang
Luisa Feliciano
Frank Kreikebaum
Goh Teck Chiang
Fellipe Garcia
Jun Li
Sungkeun Lim
Miguel Rodriguez
Uthane Supatti
Shao Zhang
Pinjia Zhang
Gilbert Foo
Ke Ma



Webmasters: Leon Tolbert, Email:; Yue Cao, Email:; Haiwen Liu, Email: