ECCE 2009, September 20-24, San Jose, California, USA


Rap Sessions

IEEE ECCE 2009 will hold rap sessions at the conference on Tuesday September 22, 2009 at 7:00PM. There will be three parallel sessions and the topics that will be discussed are as follows.

With the growing need and emphasis on increasing the use of Renewable Energy sources such as wind and solar power, one big obstacle hindering progress is the state of the current transmission system for delivering electricity to users: the Grid. Additionally, until renewal energy is more available, the existing generating sources such as coal, hydro, and nuclear must be better utilized. Again, the present Grid system is not up to the task of best utilizing existing power sources. Now is the time to implement a Smart Grid system. In this rap session, a panel consisting of academic, industrial, and venture capital experts will discuss the obstacles, opportunities, expected development time, and financing aspects of bringing the Smart Grid from concept to reality.

Rap Session Panel:

Sanket Amberkar, Cisco
Dr. Deepak Divan*, Georgia Tech
Angela Chuang, EPRI
Jason Matlof, Battery Ventures


As the economy recovers, it is likely that the spiraling costs of oil that we experienced in 2007 into 2008 will return. Today is not too soon to deliver the new transportation products that will help to reduce our dependence on oil. Combining experts knowledgeable of advanced automotive vehicles with academic experts knowledgeable in power conversion methods, the panel for this rap session will discuss solution options, development schedules, and implementation issues as we look to a future of advanced hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and all-electric vehicles.

Rap Session Panel:

Ron Freund, Plug In America
Haresh Kamath, EPRI
Dr. John Miller*, Maxwell


Energy costs are climbing. The “costs” of our carbon foot-prints are now recognized and acknowledged. To what degree are energy efficient improvements being required, how much reduction can be expected in the carbon foot-print and what are the obstacles to producing and selling more efficient equipment today? What are the costs of disposing of load equipment as it reaches end of life? Opportunities for improved efficiency, grid-interactive, and eco-friendly products abound for engineers designing and using appliances, lighting equipment, and power conversion equipment. Power Conversion experts on this rap panel will discuss the options, challenges, and various opportunities for the emerging market for Green Loads.  

Rap Session Panel:

Dusty Becker, Emerson
Brian Fortenbery, EPRI
Ron Hofmann*, Consultant CIEE
Bruce Nordman, Lawrence Berkeley Labs

* Indicates the session moderator


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