IROS 2011 Workshop on Space Robotics Simulation




Workshop Schedule



Simulation contributions in all their facets play crucial roles within space robotics projects. Extreme environmental conditions and remote operations area do not allow for verifying all procedural and physical-mechanical issues just by experimental testing. Accordingly, important project decisions relay often on simulation results. On the other hand, the results are difficult to verify because model parameters are often only coarsely known, and reference results are typically unavailable since most of the space missions are unique by nature. In this context scientists and engineers have developed a large variety of modeling techniques and simulation facilities, which are specifically designed to represent and reproduce robotics operations under space conditions.

The requirements regarding simulation skills increase continuously with ambition and complexity of future missions to be supported. The workshop will be a platform for researchers and simulations engineers to present the latest state-of-the-art in space robotics simulation, to identify new trends but also missing features and to discuss new ideas and critical issues. The technical topics to be addressed include the objects to be simulated, the simulation algorithms and techniques and the goals of simulation, respectively the fields of project activities, which will benefit from the simulation results and the corresponding assessments.


List of Topics

The technical topics to be covered are modeling and simulation methods and techniques, which are specifically designed and developed for space applications and their implementation in simulators and simulation facilities:


Motivation & Objectives

In publication media like conferences and journals the discipline Space Robotics Simulation (SRS) is typically treated as appendage in sessions on space robotics systems or control issues. The reasons for that fact may be the relatively small community involved in these activities and the position of the discipline between huge ones like Space System Engineering and Computer Science. Moreover, simulation issues are often worked out as a by-product by staff that has already designed the system to be verified by simulations.

However, a closer look of the field of work will clearly show that SRS deals with specific simulation subjects, applies specific algorithms and techniques, and targets specific simulation goals. Moreover, SRS plays an indispensable role in project decision processes due to inherent limitations of experimental testing. In this context it is highly desirable to provide a platform with sufficiently allocated time for intensive and detailed technical exchange on SRS topics that is not restricted by the tight schedule of a regular conference session.

The stimulating momentum for discussions shall be based on technical presentations. Talks on modeling and simulation of specific issues shall help to identify the latest state-of-the-art while presentations of simulators and simulation frameworks shall demonstrate the technical readiness level regarding applications. Following the nature of a workshop the event shall be open to present different approaches to same simulation goals and to come up with ideas and critical issues to be discussed and challenged.

However, discussions shall also go beyond purely technical aspects. Important issues to be addressed are reliability, relevance and acceptance of simulation results. Accordingly, the workshop shall also attract system engineers, project managers and consultants from agencies and industry who have to prepare and take decisions based on simulation results and derived conclusions.


Organizers & Contact

Rainer Krenn
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics
82234 Wessling, Germany
E-mail: Rainer.Krenn(@)
  Yves Gonthier
Canadian Space Agency
Space Technologies
6767 Route de l’Aéroport
Saint-Hubert, Quebec J3Y 8Y9, Canada
E-mail: Yves.Gonthier(@)


Invited Speakers

Satoko Abiko

Tohoku University
Department of Aerospace Engineering

Hybrid Motion Simulation for Orbital Space Robots

J. (Bob) Balaram

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Physics-Based Coupled-Domain Models for Performance and Risk Analysis

Karl Iagnemma

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robotic Mobility Group

High Fidelity Dynamics Simulation of MER and MSL Rovers

Abhinandan Jain

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Scaleable Large, Multi-Resolution Terrain Real-Time Modeling and Visualization for Surface System Simulations


Jozsef Kovecses

McGill University
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dynamics Modelling for Rover Simulation on Soft Terrain

Hammad Mazhar

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Large Scale Massively Parallel Frictional Contact Dynamics on the Graphics Processing

Evangelos Papadopulos

National Technical University of Athens
Department of Mechanical Engineering

The NTUA Space Robotics Emulator: Design and Experiments


Willem Petersen

University of Waterloo
Department of Systems Design Engineering

A Volumetric Contact Model for Space Robot and Planetary Rover Application



Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3

André Schiele

Robotics & Automation Section
Haptics and Telerobotics Lab
The Netherlands

Modelling and Simulation of a Complex System Using SysML in a Model-Based Design Approach

Kazuya Yoshida

Tohoku University
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Space Robotics Lab / Space Exploration Lab

Modeling and Simulation of Contact Dynamic Behavior in Space Missions

Bonnie Yue

University of Waterloo
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering

A Modular Platform for Modeling, Simulation, and Hardware-in-the-Loop Analysis of Planetary Rovers
