2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. November 18-20th 2014. Madrid. Spain. YoutubeGoogle+FacebookTwitterEmail


The submitted videos to Humanoids 2014 can be show novel research results or applications in the frame of the conference related topics. We welcome videos showing early results as well as well-researched results.
Videos must be submitted independently of a paper submission, although supplementary videos describing research work during the submitted paper are also welcome. Submitted videos will be reviewed by the Conference Committee.
In order to submit a video to Humanoids 2014, please follow the following instructions:
  • Duration: 1-3 minutes.
  • Size: Less than 50 Mb.
  • Formats: The MPEG format (.mpg) will be accepted.
  • Codecs: Not use special codecs in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. Any variance from the suggested formatting may result in; difficulties playing the file on different platforms and could be blocked.   
  • Structure: The video must include at the beginning a video cover with the title, authors and affiliation and the credits at the end.

When preparing the video, please make it as professional as possible. Producing a video already requires a significant amount of effort, and spending just a little more effort to raise the quality can make a big difference in how it is received.
The video contributions should not have any commercial pitch and the authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content.
The submission of the videos will be through the electronic submission process via PaperPlaza. Each video must be accompanied by a one-page PDF description: a) title, authors and affiliation, b) 200-word abstract, and c) contact information. These descriptions will be included in the electronic proceedings.


The selected videos will be appears in the electronic conference proceedings and will also be prominently displayed during the conference.


For more information or details on video submission, please contact the Video Chair: Dr. Alberto Jardón, Universidad Carlos III de Mardrid,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .