2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots. November 18-20th 2014. Madrid. Spain. YoutubeGoogle+FacebookTwitterEmail

Plenary Talks

Masayuki Prof. Masayuki Inaba
(Department of Creative Informatics, University of Tokyo, Japan)

Inheriting and Evolving the Infrastracture of Systems and Devices for Humanoid Robotics

Abstract | Biography

Alin Dr. Alin Albu-Schäffer
(Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at the German Aerospace Center - DLR)

Humanoid Assistance Robots: Designing and Controlling Robots for Direct Interaction with Human

Abstract | Biography

Jerry Dr. Jerry Pratt
(IHMC – Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, Pensacola FL, USA)

Towards Humanoid Avatar Robots for Co-Exploration of Hazardous Environments

Abstract | Biography