[Archive] Tutorials & Workshops
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- Proposal format
- Submitting a Tutorial or Workshop Proposal via PaperPlaza
Proposal Format
The initial submission of a tutorial or workshop contribution must be accompanied by a summarizing (at most) two (2) pages in the following specified format as a PDF file. Please number and clearly delineate each section.
- Title
- Organizers (complete address, phone, and email)
- Abstract (less than 200 words, indicate full or half day, workshop or tutorial)
- Motivation and objectives (less than 300 words)
- List of topics
- List of presenters with affiliations and status of confirmation
- Intended audience
- Tentative schedule and agenda (*)
- Contents of the workshop / tutorial proceedings (if any, indicate paper or abstract proceedings, or poster sessions, etc.)
- Relation to the previous ICRA or IROS workshops/tutorials.
(*) Dates and time: May 12 (9:00-17:00), 13 (9:00-12:00) and 17(9:00-17:00), 2009. Note that the date and time proposed by the organizer may be changed in the final program, according to the balance of topics and schedule.
Submitting a Tutorial or Workshop Proposal via PaperPlaza:
Proposals, no longer than 2 pages in length, following the format above must be submitted online via the PaperPlaza system by September 15, 2008.