December 22, 2008
Time: 10:00-17:00
Venue: Institute of Industrial Science (IIS)
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Convention hall (An-block)
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Sponsor: IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Japan Chapter
Co-Sponsor: IIS, University of Tokyo
Organizing Committee
Honorary General Chair: Tamio Arai (University of Tokyo)
General Chair: Katsushi Ikeuchi (University of Tokyo)
Program Chair: Hajime Asama (University of Tokyo)
Program Co-Chair: Shunsuke Kudoh (University of Tokyo)
Invited Lecturers
Antonio Bicchi, Vijay Kumar, Kevin Lynch, Peter Corke, T. J. Tarn, Roland Siegwart, Raja Chatila, Li-Chen Fu, In So Kweon, Toshio Fukuda