Workshops & Tutorials
ICRA2009 features 29 tutorial and workshop that are important and new topics related to the conference theme, Robotics and IRT for Livable Societies, as well as robotics and automation in general. Workshops provide an informal forum for participants to exchange developing research results and ideas. Tutorials target established fields of research, in order to provide descriptions on its state of the art, by individuals who are recognized researchers of the field. The following tutorials / workshops will be organized at the 2009 IEEE ICRA, on May 12 (Full-day 9:00-17:00), May 13 (Half-day 9:00-12:00), and May 17 (Full-day 9:00-17:00). The goal of workshop/tutorials is to bring together active leading robotics researchers from academia, government, and industry to assess and share their views and ideas about the state of the art of robotics, and to discuss promising avenues for future robotics research. Based on peer review, we have accepted totally 29 proposals.
Tutorial / Workshop Registration Fee
Participants who attend Tutorial/Workshop have to pay ICRA2009 registration fee in addition to the Tutorial/Workshop Registration fees, except the following cases;
Exception 1: For those who attend WW-H10 only.
Exception 2: For speakers who only attend the invited Tutorial/Workshop.
- Those who solely attend a workshop/tutorial with Exception 1 or 2 are not necessary for making registration but kindly requested to visit a registration desk for getting a special name plate.
- Note that participants who pay Tutorial/Workshop Registration fee can attend all the Workshops and Tutorials.
Information for tutorials/workshops organizers:
(*Session ID/Legend: T:Tuesday, W: Wednesday, S: Sunday | W: Workshop, Tu: Tutorial | F: Full-day, H: Half-day)
Tuesday, May 12 2009, 9:00-17:00, Full-day Workshop
Wednesday, May 13 2009, 9:00-12:00, Half-day Workshop
Sunday, May 17 2009, 9:00-17:00, Full-day Workshop
Inquiry about tutorials & workshops contributions
If you have questions regarding the proposal, please contact the Tutorials and workshops Charis.
Tutorials and Workshops Chairs
Yoky Matsuoka (University of Washington)
Cecilia Laschi (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
Makoto Kaneko (Osaka University)
Information for tutorials/workshops organizers:
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