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Please register for ICRA2009 from the following link "Online Registration" button. Please complete your registration by logging-in to your Personal Page. If you have not yet registered your personal information, please first complete the required items on ID Application page in order to acquire your ID and Password.




Operated by JTB Western Japan Corp. JTB has been appointed as an official travel agent for the Conference and will handle registration and hotel accommodations.

Important Dates:

Early Registration due March 24, 2009
(24:00:00 Japan Standard Time)
Online Registration Deadline April 30, 2009
(24:00:00 Japan Standard Time)

ICRA2009 Conference Registration

Registration Fee


Early Registration

(On or Before March 24)

Standard Registraion
(On or After March 25)


JPY 63,000

JPY 73,000


JPY 80,000

JPY 90,000

Life Member



Student Member

JPY 25,000

JPY 35,000

Student Non-member

JPY 32,000

JPY 45,000

*If you are a Life Member, please contact with Finance Co-chair by email for the detailed procedure of your registration.


Extra page charge



JPY 20,000 per Page

Extra Banquet Ticket Fee
for accompanying person

JPY 5,000 per Ticket

Tutorial / Workshop Registration Fee


Early Registration
(On or Before March 24)

Standard Registration
(On or After March 25)


JPY 8,000

JPY 10,000


JPY 12,000

JPY 15,000

Life Member



Student Member

JPY 1,000

JPY 2,000

Student Non-member

JPY 12,000

JPY 15,000

Dates and time: May 12 (9:00-17:00), 13 (9:00-12:00) and 17(9:00-17:00), 2009.
Venue: International Conference Center, which is located in next to the Portopia Hotel.
*ICRA2009 participants who also pay Tutorial/Workshop Registration fees can attend all the Workshops and Tutorials.
- Click here for Tutorial Workshop details.

Technical Tour fee


JPY 600


JPY 2,600

TV3: Osaka Univ.

JPY 2,100

  • TV1: ATR (May 12, 11:45-19:00)
    Max. 60 people. Including bus transportation and beverage
  • TV2: MHI (May 13, 9:00-17:30)
    Max. 100 people. Including bus transportation,lunch and entrance fee for Himeji Castle
  • TV3: Osaka Univ. (May 17, 9:00-18:30)
    Max. 100 people. Including bus transportation and lunch

  • Payment Information

    The Credit Card Payment method is acceptable. Payments are accepted with the cards listed below (VISA / Master / AMEX / JCB / UC / CF / Diners).


    visa jcb diners


    Please note your credit card payment will be deducted under the name of JTB. the Affiliation entrusted with the handling of registrations. The on-line system can not accept payments if the holder of the credit card has a free e-mail address (such as hotmail, yahoo). For only domestic participants, the convenience store payment method is also acceptable. Please note that in case of Convenience Store payment, a remittance fee of JPY 525 will be added to your remittance form.


    The deadline of payment for Early registration fee is March 24, 2009. If you have missed that payment deadline, Standard registration fee is applied. Please be sure to pay your registration fee in a timely manner.


    Cancellation Policy

    In case of cancellation on or before March 24, your registration fee will be refunded after deducting the cancellation fee (JPY 10,000). Please note all refunds will be made after the Conference. Note that on or after March 25, your registration fee will NOT be refunded. In any cases, if your registration is used to upload your contribution (paper/video) for ICRA2009, your registration fee cannot be refunded.




    Operated by JTB Western Japan Corp. JTB has been appointed as an official travel agent for the Conference and will handle registration and hotel accommodations.

