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Contributions: Overview

Important Dates:

Submission of Invited session proposals: August 29, 2009

Submission of contributions:

(Papers, Videos, Tutorials and Workshops)

September 15, 2008
(23:59:59 US Pacific Time)

Notification of acceptance:

(Tutorials and Workshops)

November 15, 2009

Notification of acceptance:

(Papers and Videos)

January 7, 2009
All final contributions due:

February 8, 2009

February 15, 2009

Contributed Papers:

Prospective authors should submit their papers electronically in PDF format. Six pages in the standard ICRA format are allowed for each paper, including figures. A maximum of two additional pages is permitted.


Contributed Papers: Author Area


Invited Sessions:

Invited sessions on new topics or innovative applications will be considered, consisting of four to six related papers submitted through the regular review process. Prospective organizers should include a brief statement of purpose for the sessions as well as the abstracts of the papers to be included. Note that for your proposal of invited session, approval by the ICRA2009 program committee is required. Submission of invited papers is available after receiving approval by the ICRA2009 program committee.


Invited Sessions Proposal



Videos of 1.5 to 3 minutes illustrating new and exciting results are sought for special video sessions. Videos should be submitted according to the instructions on the website.


Contributed Videos


Tutorials & Workshops:

Proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials and workshops should be submitted according to the instructions on the conference website. Prospective organizers should include: statement of objectives, intended audience, list of speakers, and list of topics.


Tutorial and Workshop Contributions



There will be an exhibition site at the conference. Information for prospective exhibitors will be available on the web site.


Sponsorship & Exhibition



