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Submission deadline:
September 21, 2009 8:00 A.M. Rome time.
Congratulations on having your paper selected for inclusion in the program and the proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium!
In order for the 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium to be published in a timely manner, it is important that authors follow the submission instructions to the best of their ability. (There are aides imbedded into the detail instructions.) We will be publishing the Proceedings in one format, DVD. Printed proceedings will not be available from the conference but can be ordered directly from the IEEE Shop: Conference Proceedings. Conference attendees will receive the DVD that will contain all the papers presented at the conference as part of their full registration fee. Additional DVDs may be ordered when registering for the conference.
As the Proceedings is a record of the 2009 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, only those papers which are actually presented and defended at the Symposium by the author during either an oral or a poster session will be accepted for publication in the Proceedings. In the event that an author is unable to personally present the paper, she/he MUST be represented in either poster or oral sessions by an individual who is qualified to discuss the technical material in the paper and who will remain in attendance for the full session in which the paper is presented. All the session chairpersons will be recording the presentations, both oral and poster, and sending the results to the Proceedings Editor.
All presenters, both oral and poster, are encouraged to publish in the conference proceedings. Full paper submissions are limited to four (4) single-side pages in the required two-column format. Invited papers can be up to ten (10) pages in length. For all papers: two (2) extra pages may be used at an excess page charge of $125/page. Payment for excess page charge will be part of the paper submission process.
Mira Digital Publishing (1-866-341-9589; IUS2009@mirasmart.com) will be the interface to all authors for the submission of their papers. The IUS paper submission site is an extension of the website that was used for the conference abstract submission
Authors will need to use their login information that was setup for the abstract submission site.
Instructions for the generation of the conference papers can be found at the IEEE Proceedings Author Tools at the following website:
Here you will find Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings, IEEE Citation Reference, and IEEE Keyword Guidelines. It is recommended that authors do not submit papers in PDF format.
Part of the paper submission process involves the conversion to PDF, and the authors will be given the opportunity to approve the converted files before the completion of the submission process.
For authors who are including Multimedia content in their papers, they can find supporting Multimedia Materials instructions at the IEEE Author Digital Tool Box, https://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/index.html . While this site provides the Multimedia instructions for the IEEE Transactions and Journals, the instructions are appropriate for our Proceedings. In simple terms, the author needs to make notation in her/his paper as to the multimedia file name so that a link can be added by the MIRA editor. During the standard submission process, the author will be requested to upload the multimedia file.
IMPORTANT: Please notice that after you have proofread your paper, you should click the button, "Submit My Paper", and then get an automatic confirmation email containing your paper ID (the same ID number as your submitted abstract). If you do not receive such an email, your paper has not been transmitted to us and you should login to the system to complete your submission. (Please REFRESH your browser now to view an updated page that contains correct links!)
Questions on Paper Submission:
Phone: (866)341-9589;
Email: IUS2009@mirasmart.com