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The Awards Reception will be held Monday evening the 21st of September 2009 and will feature a special dinner held in the Ergife restaurant "Le Quattro Stagioni" and by the swimming pool. The reception will commence at 8.00pm. Guests are requested to be seated for the Awards Ceremony recognizing IEEE, UFFC Society, and Ultrasonics Committee award recipients, along with Student Paper Competition winners.
IEEE Awards
The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in the
profession and shall be conferred by the Board of Directors
upon a person with an extraordinary record of
accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. The
accomplishments that are being honored shall have
contributed importantly to the advancement or application of
engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization
of significant value to society. The candidate shall hold
Senior Member grade at the time the nomination is
submitted and shall have been a member in good standing in
any grade for a period of five years or more preceding 1
January of the year of election. The year of election to the
grade of Fellow is the year following approval by the Board
of Directors conferring the grade of Fellow. Members elected
to the Fellow grade may use the title immediately following
approval by the Board of Directors. All those elected will
receive a certificate and pin.
UFFC Society Awards
The Achievement Award is the highest Society-wide award
presented to a member in special recognition of outstanding
contributions. Selection criteria include significant technical
publications in the field of ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, or
frequency control, as well as contributions to these technical
fields, and service to the Society. The Winner is selected by the
Officers and the Awards Committee from nominations
submitted by the general membership. Presentation is
usually at one of the Society's major symposia. The award
consists of an honorarium of $2,000, a plaque and a
The Distinguished Service Award recognizes long-term support of the Society's activities. Recognition is given to those who innovate new Society programs, administer major Committees, manage Society functions, or promote the Society's areas of technical interest to the larger community.
The Distinguished Lecturer represents the UFFC Society by giving lecturers worldwide to the larger technical community. The subject of the lecture must be of current interest and the lecturer must be a prominent contributor in the field of the lecture. The speaker is selected for speaking style, prominence in the topic, and willingness to commit significant time and energy to preparation, travel and lectures. The Lecturer is selected by the Distinguished Lecturer Subcommittee of the UFFC-S Awards Committee from nominations received from the general membership. Presentation is usually at one of the Society's major symposia. The award consists of a certificate, and reimbursement for an international lecture tour.
The Outstanding Paper Award is presented to the author(s) of a paper published in the UFFC-S Transactions which exemplifies excellent technical contributions and is clearly written. The winner is selected on the basis of: originality, interest to the membership, contributions to the field, clarity of writing, and timeliness. Selection is made by the Awards Committee. Nominations and comments from the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors and Guest Editors of the Transactions are solicited. Papers are reviewed as a group for each Volume of the UFFC-S Transactions (January through December). In a given year, usually one paper is selected, but the Awards Committee may chose to give no award or multiple awards when circumstances warrant. Presentation is usually at one of the Society's major symposia. The award consists of a plaque and a certificate.
Ultrasonics Committee Awards
The Rayleigh Award recognizes meritorious service to the
UFFC Society in the field of Ultrasonics. The achievement
may be in technical innovations, research, education,
publications and related professional endeavors. Typically,
the recipient will have demonstrated these accomplishments
over a sustained period of time. Selection will be made by an
Awards Committee consisting of the Rayleigh Award Chair,
the Technical Program Chair and the Technical Program
Vice-Chairs in the spring of each year. The award consists of
an honorarium of $1,000, a plaque and a certificate.