IEEE Region 3 Excom Caucus Agenda - published on web.
Date/Time: 17 January 1998, 7:53 PM to 10:35 PM
Attendees: Jim Beall, Dale Caston, David Conner, Pat Donohoe, Bob Duggan, Dave Green, Andy Hargrove, Roy Harris, Dennis Hartley, Bill Harrison, Charles Hickman, Don Hill, Dave Hulett, Dan Jackson, George McClure, Dave McLaren, Silvia Middleton, Marvin Neiditz, John Parr, Darrell Piatt, Debbie Powers, Vernon Powers, Bill Ratcliff, Dick Riddle, Bran Skelton, Butch Shadwell, Lee Stogner, Brian Swail, Reed Thompson, Perry Wheless
Not attending: Lea Brothers, Russell Churchill, John Csomay, Joey Duvall, Jim Howard, John Liegeois, John Twitchell, Parveen Wahid
Director Dale Caston opened the meeting and asked everyone to introduce themselves.
Director's Report Director Caston referred members to his report.
Director Elect (Vice Chair) Report Dick Riddle reported that he was just beginning his job and no items to report.
Secretary David Green noted the need for everyone to get their reports in electronically so that members could read them before the meeting. He thanked Brian Swail for his efforts in getting all submitted reports linked into the web copy of the agenda.
Treasurer Charles Hickman reviewed the 1997 performance against the budget and reported on the present financial state of the Region which has assets totaling $218,762.37. Past Director Jim Beall reported that all Region reports have either been filed
Standing Committee Reports
Awards & Recognition Charles Hickman reported for John Twitchell who was unable to attend. He reported that the Alabama Section has received the Gold Award. He reported on the Awards Committee meeting held earlier in the day. He reported on new EAB and PAA awards. He reported that he had received no Exemplary Section awards and discussions concerning improving response but very good response for the other awards. He will be recommending the following:
Outstanding Engineering - Lon W. Montgomery (Orlando Section)
Outstanding Service - Allan H. Long (Memphis Section)
Outstanding Educator - Bruce L. Walcott, (Lexington Section)
Don Hill reported for the Professional Activities Awards subcommittee that Deborah M. Powers was selected as the Professional Leadership Awards. Pat Donohoe reported for the Student Activities Awards Subcommittee on the Student Activities awards. Efforts are underway and proceeding according to the announced timetable.
Conferences. Jim Howard was unable to attend due to other commitments. Jim Beall oversaw the following conference reports.
* Southeastcon 97. Dan Jackson reported for Russell Churchill. He reported the successful use of creating difference budgets (100%, 70%, 50%) so that expenses were scaled with .incoming. Region 3 has received $4116.67 representing the Region 3 portion of the surplus.
* Southeastcon 98 . Jim Beall reported that 110 papers in 16 areas with the review process underway. They are planning to have 10 tutorials on the UCF campus. The hardware contest is proceeding as well as a web site competition. Registration form is ready. The pre-registration deadline is March 6. Director Caston said that Region Excom members are expected to register under the special Excom Member registration rate.
* Southeastcon 99. Don Hill reported that budgets had been submitted with contingency planning. They have already begun testing on the hardware contest. There will be a home show in another facility at the same time in the city.
* Southcon Jim Beall reported on the most recent Southcon Board meeting. The next Southcon will be on March 25-27, 1998 in Orlando. They have sold 162 booths and expect to sell 220 booths. Sections can receive the sponsor discount if they arrange for a booth at Southcon. In 1999, they expect to be in Atlanta, GA. In 2000, they expect to return to the Raleigh, NC area.
Educational Activities . Perry Wheless reported on his efforts to constitute his committee.
Finance Committee. Charles Hickman distributed expense report forms and that local mileage was $0.315. Members were reminded to mail them to Director Caston. Dr. Hickman then presented the proposed budget for 1998. The budget is similar to the 1997 budget in expenses ($150,150) and income of .
Membership Development. Bill Harrison pass around a copy of the goals, budget, initiatives, for the committee. Marvin Neidiz will be the Vice Chair of the committee. Area/Council chairs are expected to participate or name a representative. The committee plans to send three delegates to IEEE MDC retreat in Baltimore. He distributed the working document that he handed out during his meeting and the discussions that occurred. He expects to make suggestions at the next meeting refining the Senior Member and Fellows goals. His committee expects to look into various Information Technology ideas that could be leverage to facilitate membership development He expects that the plans of the committee will have a budget impact and plans to make detailed proposals at the next meeting. He related a number of assignments that had been made.
Professional Activities Operations Committee . Don Hill referenced his report that was submitted by e-mail. Don reported about their efforts to fill the vacancies on his committee. Vernon Powers reported on the latest ETI Project effort. A report from Stuart Thompson, UAB Student Branch chair, to publicize the ETI database system. The project sent a pair of custom designed posters and a large number business card size user cards about the service. The UAB Student Branch is to be commended for the impressive speed and quality of their efforts. The package was sent to the Branch Counselor along with a letter signed by the IEEE President Chuck Alexander and the UAB Student Branch Chair. George McClure referred to his PACE report.
* PACE. PACE Coordinator Report George McClure referred members to his written report.
* BBS. Vernon Powers reported that he will continue the archiving the reports on the BBS.
Communications . Brian Swail report that Lee Stogner will be the Vice Chair and Brian Shelton will be the secretary for the committee. He discussed the committee goals: 80% of the sections to be on the web and 60% of the student branches on the web. He announced that 1-800 number had been shutdown and that in April, the BBS will be shutdown.
* Electronic Communication Coordinator Brian Swail referred members to his written report.
* Newsletter. Brian Skelton announced that the deadline for the next newsletter will be January 21st at 5pm. Members who want their Excom report used as their article should notify Brian. The plan is to have it in the mail by February 15th. New members should submit a picture to the newsletter editor. The newsletter will be sent to all members of the Region and advertise both Southcon and Southeastcon. Brian announced that the current plan is to do only two all-member newsletters. Brian also went through some guidelines for articles in order to make sure articles are read and useful to the members.
* Public Information. Lee Stogner went over the public information task. He plans to create a process for distributing the information.
* Strategic Planning .Bob Duggan distributed the Region 3 Goals & Objectives of 1998-9 dated 1/17/98. The committee plans to make sure that its efforts are in line with the IEEE Strategic Plan. He announced the mentor assignments for past directors:
Area 1/Virginia Council. Andy Hargrove reported that he is the Acting Chair because the Chair of the Council has resigned. He has supplied a written report.
Area 2/NC Council See written report.
Area 3 See written report.
Area 4/Florida Council See written report.
Area 5/Tennessee Council John Liegeois could not attend. Brian Skelton gave a brief report.
Area 6 Since his written report he has received a report from the Mississippi Section.
Area 7/SC Council Dave Hulett discussed the written report supplied to attendees.
Area 8 John Parr went over the areas report and thanked Don Hill for submitting the Areas report.
Area 9 Dennis Hartley reported that he has had trouble getting membership applications impacting membership recruiting activities. He also reported that Jamcon 98 interest has not yet met expectations and they expect to make a decision in two weeks.
Ad Hoc Committee ReportsLeadership Development Reed Thompson reported on the Committee Chair training conducted yesterday.
Nominations The committee has just been formed with Debbie Powers (Chair), and Jim Beall and David Conner as members.
Sections Congress 1999 Dan Jackson reported a correction to his report - on ground expenses are expected to be $750 per member.
Special Review Committee Roy Harris reported that he was working on appointing members for each of the committees to be reviewed in 1998. He also asked the Excom to receive the ECAC Review (1997) and Chair's response.
GOLD Report Lea Brothers could not attend the meeting but Director Caston reported on her article in IEEE Impact.
Other Old/New Business. None.
Having completed it's agenda, the caucus was adjourned.
Region 3 Excom Meeting Agenda January 18, 1998. 9AM - 11AMAttendees: Jim Beall, Dale Caston, Pat Donohoe, Bob Duggan, Dave Green, Andy Hargrove, Roy Harris, Dennis Hartley, Bill Harrison, Charles Hickman, Don Hill, Dave Hulett, Dan Jackson, George McClure, Dave McLaren, Silvia Middleton, Marvin Neiditz, John Parr, Darrell Piatt, Debbie Powers, Vernon Powers, Bill Ratcliff, Dick Riddle, Brian Skelton, Butch Shadwell, Lee Stogner, Brian Swail, Reed Thompson, Perry Wheless
Not attending: Lea Brothers, Russell Churchill, John Csomay, Joey Duvall, Jim Howard, John Liegeois, John Twitchell, Parveen Wahid
Call to order Director Caston called the meeting to order at 9:10am.
Approval of the 1998 Committee and Area Appointments Moved by Beall, seconded by Harris. Motion carried.
Approval of Agenda Moved by Middleton, seconded by Beall. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda Moved by Middleton, seconded by Beall. Motion carried.
Outstanding Engineer
- Lon W. Montgomery (Orlando Section)
Outstanding Service -
Allan H. Long (Memphis Section)
Outstanding Educator -
Bruce Walcott (Memphis Section)
Professional Leadership
Award - Deborah M. Powers (Atlanta Section)
Approval of 1998-9 Region 3 Goals. Bob Duggan reviewed the proposed goals. He noted that the goals for Senior Members and Fellows were intended to be expressed as the annual percentage of new elects to each member status. On behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee, Bob Duggan moved the approval of the 1998-9 Region 3 Goals. Brian Swail commented that the Communications had developed its own goals with metrics. He suggested removing the reference to the BBS. The committee accepted these changes as a friendly amendment. Motion to approve carried.
Director Caston reiterated the newsletter submission deadlines. He also discussed tentative plans for Southeastcon 98 and the Region Committee meeting. The IEEE-USA Executive Committee will meet in conjunction with the Region 3 event.
Director Caston related the date and location of next meeting as April 24-26, Hyatt Regency Airport, 1998 Orlando Florida in conjunction with Southeastcon '98.
Having completed its agenda, the committee was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
David Green
Region 3 Secretary