Call for Special Sessions/Forum

Special session/forum proposals are invited to the IROS2016. Proposals should include the title, aim and scope, list of main topics, names & short biography of the organizers, and 2-page extended abstracts that will not be reviewed and published in the proceedings and should be sent to


Special session/forum proposal due: January 18, 2016
Notification of acceptance for Special session/forum: February 1, 2016


Raj Madhavan (U Maryland College Park)
Hyouk Ryeol Choi (Sungkyunkwan U)
Torsten Kroeger (Google)
Rainer Bischoff (KUKA)



Sungchul Kang (KIST)
Christian Ott (DLR)
Kensuke Harada (AIST)
Barbara Mazzolai (IIT)