ICRA 2012 Home Page

Tutorials Page - Chair: John Spletzer (email: spletzer@cse.lehigh.edu)


To better meet the needs of the ICRA community, the tutorials structure for ICRA 2012 is different than in past conferences. Rather than a "top-down" approach, we conducted a survey of the community to identify topics of importance. We received over 200 responses, and this input has largely driven the Tutorials program for ICRA 2012.

To increase "shelf-life" of tutorial content and reach a wider audience, several Tutorials were video-recorded. These videos are available to all who paid an ICRA registration fee.

Monday, May 14th:

  • (No Vid)(URL)(Abstract): Industry Track (AM) - "Advanced Modeling and Simulation Techniques for Multibody Robotic Systems," by Bonnie Yue, Maplesoft.
  • (No Vid)(URL)(Abstract): Industry Track (PM) - "How a Differential Equation Becomes a Robot," by Carlos Osorio, Mathworks.

Friday, May 18th:

  • (Video)(URL)(Abstract): "Advanced 3D Point Cloud Processing with Point Cloud Library (PCL)," lead by Radu Rusu (Willow Garage)
  • (Video)(URL)(Abstract): "Reinforcement Learning for Robotics and Control," by Pieter Abbeel (UC Berkeley) and Jan Peters (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
: NB: Video recording permission form absent