ICRA 2012 Home Page

Videos Page - Chair: Stefano Stramigioli (email: s.stramigioli@utwente.nl)

Contributed Videos

IEEE XPlore will archive both accepted videos and their 2-page PDF summary. This is important because it gives authors the ability to have their video-related work to be archived, cited, and downloaded. Note: video submissions are different from media clips that are attached to traditional papers. Video submissions are presented by the authors at the conference in a dedicated session. Initial video contributions (a self-contained 1.5-3 minutes video not connected with paper submitted to ICRA 2012. Be aware that videos longer than 3 minutes will be automatically rejected) consist of a mpeg file (max 50 MB), accompanied by a summary in the form of a PDF file (up to 2 pages long). Unless the reviewers specifically asked for modifications during the review process, there is no need to re-upload your accepted video file - the original version will be used as final (this can be specified during the final submission procedure in PaperPlaza). Your video contribution should not have a commercial pitch. The authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content.

The text of the accompanying two-page PDF file should provide an outline of the work presented, references to papers that provide more details about the work as well as related work. For the final preparation of the summarizing text of a video contribution, please follow the instructions for paper contribution, with the exception that the length should be (at most) two (2) pages in the specified conference double-column format. This 2-page summarizing text must be IEEE PDF compliant as the instructions on the paper contribution page specify.

All video submissions should not use special codecs (coders/decoders) in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. We strongly recommend the most common media formats (mpeg 1 or mpeg 4). Only freely available players (e.g., QuickTime, RealPlayer, Microsoft Windows Media Player, MPlayer) should be required for viewing the video. Providing video portability is a responsibility of the authors, also in their interest.

Preparing and Submitting Your Final Video and 2-page Summary:

Step 1: Write your paper using the available LaTeX or MS Word templates. Please do not change the formatting in any way. If you choose not to use these templates, please make sure that your paper strictly adheres to these formatting instructions. Note, however, that we strongly encourage you to use the available templates. Your paper should be entirely self-contained. If it is accompanied by a video, an explicit reference to the accompanying video should be present in the text of the paper.

Step 2: Double check that the names of all authors and their order is identical in the PaperPlaza submission system, the paper, the digest page, and the accompanying video (if applicable). Please write names with only the first letter capitalized, i.e., do use "Firstname Lastname" in all instances and do not use "FIRSTNAME LASTNAME"anywhere.

Step 3: Create a PDF version of your paper adhering to these instructions. These tips may be helpful. Alternatively you may proceed directly to the next step and have IEEE PDF eXpress create your PDF file for you.

Step 4: (Applicable only to those papers which have an accompanying video or those submitting video contributions) Authors of papers originally accompanied by a short video (1-2 minutes) that has been jointly accepted with the paper should include the video (max 5 MB) in the final submission material. Although the final paper has to be self-contained (i.e., fully readable and understandableindependently from the video), an explicit reference to the accompanying video should be present in the text of the paper.

Step 5: Prepare the Summary.txt and ReadMe.txt files. All accepted video contributions will be included in the DVD conference proceedings, and also in IEEE Xplore. The video will appear as an enhanced object next to the PDF of the summarizing text (which acts as a sort of short paper). To facilitate this, authors are required to submit the following two additional files.
  • Summary.txt file (max 1 KB): This describes in 5 sentences or less the contents or value of the extended object (the video). This file helps IEEE Xplore users to make downloading decisions.
  • ReadMe.txt file (max 10 KB). This file must include the following sections:
    1. Description: An overall description of the objects and what the audience can expect to gain by downloading them.
    2. Player Information: Provide the minimum version of the player software that is required to play the submitted files. Include the name of the software, the version number, and any special requirements for the player.
    3. Contact Information: The author should provide contact information in case users have questions regarding the extended material. IEEE will not provide any technical support.
Note that both the above files should be in *.txt format. They are needed by IEEE in order to include the video in IEEE Xplore.

Once again, videos should not use special codecs (coders/decoders) in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. We strongly recommend the most common media formats (mpeg 1 or mpeg 4). Only freely available players (e.g., QuickTime, RealPlayer, Microsoft Windows Media Player, MPlayer) should be required for viewing the video. Providing video portability is a responsibility of the authors, also in their interest.

Step 6: Submit the IEEE Compliant PDF file of your paper and a PDF version of the 1-side Digest PPT (see template below) via the PaperPlaza web page. Note that the PDF file must not exceed 2MB. Video submissions with accompanying 2 page PDF descritpion files should not exceed 50MB.

Submission Instructions:

Sample Paper Files:

Digest Template

Final 2-Page Summary Submission Template


For additional information please contact the Video Chair: