The ICRA 2012 organizers are pleased to announce that there will be a few travel awards available to partially support the cost of attending the ICRA 2012 conference. The number and amount of these awards will depend on a pending travel grant application. In the meanwhile, the Travel Awards Committee solicits applications for such awards from prospective participants. These awards will primarily be supporting students and postdoctoral fellows from the USA. However, a very limited number awards will be available to support participants from the international community. Applicants from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply for these awards. The application deadline is March 2, 2012.
How to apply:
Part A: Complete the appropriate "Travel Support Application" i.e. student or non-student". Ultimately the form demands a signature. The PDF formats are not in a fillable form format but one can fill by hand, print, sign and the scan into a PDF. The DOC format permits one to type answers, but again, one must print, sign and scan as a PDF.
For the form's title section enter "Travel Support: <--- title of author's paper --->"
In the table displayed, look for "Student Travel Support Application" and click the appropriate selection i.e. student or non-student (Click here for a Screen Shot)
Complete the online form with necessary info e.g. title, PIN, abstract, etc. "For title, enter "Travel Support: <--- title of author's paper --->" Mark checkbox and click "Next" (Click here for a Screen Shot)
This page allows you to upload your PDF that you prepared in Part A. Click Browse to find your PDF. One located, click the "Submit" button (Click here for a Screen Shot)
March 2, 2012 is the deadline to submit a travel support. Funding is very limited and submissions do not guarantee support.