Paper Submission
Preparation of the Manuscript
Authors need to prepare Camera-Ready, 3-page manuscripts, including text, figures, tables and references, for online submission. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE EDTM 2024 Proceedings. The manuscript needs to be submitted in IEEE Xplore-compatible pdf format. The authors are advised to use the paper template available here.
- The three page manuscript must include:
- • Title of your final paper
- • Name, complete mailing address including affiliation, country, phone, and email of first author and name, affiliation, city, state and country of additional authors
- • Up to two pages of text including a brief abstract. The text should be clearly divided into different sections and should include explanation of new results, findings and their significance while clearly stating experimental and computational conditions. The abstract should clearly state the purpose of the work
Important Dates
Paper Submission Starts | August 1, 2023 |
Paper Submission Deadline | |
Notification of Acceptance | December 15, 2023 |
IEEE EDTM 2024 Conference | March 3-6, 2024 |
Guideline for Paper Submission
Only electronic submissions through the paper submission system Easychair will be considered. The manuscript needs to be submitted in IEEE Xplore-compatible pdf format. Please do not email the manuscript to the conference office or conference chairs. You need to select your track (from the list of EDTM 2024 tracks) as a first step. In order for your paper to receive a full review, the following information MUST be entered on the website along with your submission:
- • Title of your paper
- • Name, complete mailing address including affiliation, country and phone, and email of first author
- • Names, affiliations, city, state, country of additional authors
- • Suggested track (from the list of EDTM 2024 tracks) into which the paper fits
- • Abstract for the paper
- • Keywords, one per line to characterize your submission
Notification of Acceptance
Authors of accepted papers will be notified by 15th December 2023. The accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. In any case for getting your work accepted for platform presentation or poster presentation, high quality abstract submission is a must. The paper must be presented at the conference by one of the listed authors. For every paper / poster, a unique registration is mandatory.
IEEE Copyright Form
Note for Authors with accepted papers : Your paper will be included in the proceedings of EDTM2024 to be published by IEEE. IEEE requires that an author of every published paper signs a copyright agreement. EasyChair is a vendor authorized by IEEE to handle copyright agreements. To sign the agreement via EasyChair, you should:
- (1) log in to EasyChair using the credentials used during manuscript submission
- (2) click on "Alerts" in the main menu;
- (3) click on "IEEE copyright agreement for paper
If there is no such link under your Alerts menu tab, then one of the author has already signed the agreement on behalf of all authors.
Student Presentation of Papers Encouraged
Papers presented by students, which are based on their own work will be considered for the Best Student Paper/Poster Award. The award will be based on both the paper and the presentation which must be given by the student. The award will be announced and presented during the conference.