NSS Refresher Courses
Tuesday Nov. 3, 12:45 - 13:45
CMOS Front-end for Radiation Detectors
Gianluigi De Geronimo
Brookhaven National Lab., USA
This Refresher Course covers the design of front-end application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for radiation detectors. The relevant concepts of front-end ASIC design in CMOS will be summarized and compared with those of discrete design. Examples of architectures and circuits will be shown, along with the typical ASIC design flow. Trends in front-end ASICs and their impact on the evolution of radiation detectors will be briefly discussed.
Wednesday Nov. 4, 12:45 - 13:45
FPGAs in Detector Control and Readout
Andreas Kugel
University of Heidelberg, Germany
FPGAs are devices commonly used in detector control and readout electronics. This Refresher Course introduces the fundamental technology, specific features of various FPGA families and the basic programming tools. The range of typical uses-cases is sketched and two prominent fields are highlighted in a case study: reconfigurable embedded systems and high-speed data transmission. Finally, latest trends in FPGA features and tools are presented briefly.
“Current and Future Potential” Lectures at the 2015 IEEE MIC
7:30-8:25 am
Pacific Salon 1 & 2
Wednesday, Nov 4, 2015, 7:30-8:25 am
Current and Future Potential in Image Reconstruction
Kathleen Vunckx
Research Scientist
Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
KU Leuven
Abstract: In this educational lecture, we will cover the recent advances and future potentials in iterative image reconstruction algorithms for emission tomography. We will summarize the remaining challenges in brain, cancer and cardiac imaging, and discuss potential solutions. Particular attention will be given to emerging algorithms in which new, additional information (such as accurate time-of-flight (TOF) or simultaneously acquired magnetic resonance (MR) information) is exploited to enhance the reconstructed emission image.
Thursday Nov 5, 2015, 7:30-8:25 am
Current and Future in NSS/MIC Journals
Joel Karp
Senior Editor, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
Professor of Radiologic Physics in Radiology
University of Pennsylvania
Michael Insana
Editor in Chief, IEEE Transactions On Medical Imaging
Donald Biggar Willett Professor of Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dimitris Visvikis
Chair, NPSS Committee for IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences
Senior Research Scientist
National Institute of Health and Medical Sciences
1) Describe the journal’s scientific scope
2) Journal organization and types of papers that are published
3) Tips for writing successful scientific papers
4) Example exemplary papers from NSS/MIC community to each journal
Friday Nov 6, 2015, 7:30-8:25 am
Current and Future Potential in Detector Technologies
Todd Peterson
Director of Nuclear Imaging
Associate Professor of Radiology & Radiological Sciences
Vanderbilt University
Abstract: This educational course will begin with a review of the most important properties for gamma-ray imaging detectors for both PET and SPECT with an eye toward the tradeoffs that invariably occur in building an imaging system. The basic operating principles of both scintillator and semiconductor detectors will be presented, including their electronic readout and integration into imaging systems. After surveying the tried-and-true approaches for PET and SPECT detectors and their performance, current trends and thoughts on potential areas for future improvements will be presented.
Saturday Nov 7, 2015, 7:30-8:25 am
Current and Future Potential in Parametric Imaging
Quanzheng Li, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Abstract: In this educational lecture, we will cover the recent advances and future potentials in parametric imaging. We will summarize the new algorithms designed for direct estimation of various graphical and full kinetic models. And then introduce some new applications of parametric imaging in cardiology and oncology, particularly focusing on the clinical whole body dynamic imaging and its potential applications. We will also briefly introduce the new development on parametric imaging of non-stationary kinetic models and joint PETMRI models.