GATE User's Meeting: Open Access Simulation Tool for PET/SPECT, CT, Optical Imaging and Radiation Therapy

Wednesday, November 4, 2015, 12:30-14:00
Location: Sheffiled Room
Organizer: Irène Buvat


  • 12:30 Welcome / introduction, Irène Buvat, IMIV, CEA-SHFJ, Orsay, France
  • 12:45 On-going developments in GATE and what to expect in upcoming versions, Sébastien Jan, IMIV, CEA-SHFJ, Orsay, France
  • 13:00 Presentations by GATE users:
    1. "Investigation of the effects of photomultiplier pixel size on edge crystal Identification of scintillator arrays in PET detectors”, Y Valencia, D Prout, A Chatziioannou. University of California, Los Angeles, USA
    2. "Simulation of a Compton telescope wtih GATE”, E Muñoz, J Barrio, A Etxebeste, C Lacasta, G Llosá, C Solaz, P Solevi, M Trovato, JF Oliver. IFIC, Valencia, Spain
    3. "Using GATE for collimator and shielding design of a SPECT/MRI insert", D Salvado, K Erlandsson, BF Hutton. UCL, London, UK
    4. "Advantage of pinhole collimators over parallel hole collimators in reducing downscatter for I-123 imaging", A Konik, J de Beenhouwer, M King. University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, USA
  • 13:45 Discussion, conclusion

Free registration at
Free lunch boxes for registered attendees.

High Resolution Research Tomograph (HRRT) User Meeting

Thursday, November 5, 2015, 18:30 - 20:00
Location: Pacific Salon 3
Organizer: Merence Sibomana and Sune Keller

The preliminary agenda is

  • HRRT hardware maintenance and spare parts,
  • future of brain PET imaging
  • multi-centric QC

OpenPET Users Group Meeting

Thursday, November 5, 2015, 18:00 - 19:30
Location: Sheffield Room
Organizer: Woon-Seng Choong

OpenPET is a general purpose, open source readout electronics system for high performance radionuclide imaging that is under development by LBNL. It consists of circuit boards, firmware and software for people who are building prototype nuclear medical imaging systems or radiation detectors. At this OpenPET users group meeting, we will give an update on the status of OpenPET and will have reports from our current users. All are welcome to attend. For more information, check out our website at

STIR Users' & Developers Meeting

Thursday, November 5, 2015, 18:30 - 20:30
Location: Windsor Room
Organizer: Kris Thielemans, University College London & Charalampos Tsoumpas, University of Leeds

STIR is Open Source software for use in tomographic imaging. Its aim is to provide a Multi-Platform Object-Oriented framework for all data manipulations in tomographic imaging. Currently, the emphasis is on image reconstruction in emission tomography (PET and SPECT) but other imaging modalities can be added in the future. During this annual meeting experienced users and developers will present their recent work with STIR with the emphasis on software and algorithmic development. Additional time will be allocated for discussion between the speakers and the audience. If interested in presenting, contact the chairs before the 15th of September.

The event is free but priority will be given to those that have reserved Dinner-boxes sponsored by General Electric will be available from 18.15 to those that arrive first. For up-to-date information please always check STIR website: