Conference Record
The Conference Record (CR) is the official repository for manuscripts presented at the 2015 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference and will be available as a file for download for all registered conference attendees. The CR will also be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication.
Download the desired approved templates:
All manuscripts submitted to the IEEE must be in IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF format. To assist authors in meeting this requirement, IEEE has established a web based service called “PDF eXpress”. We strongly suggest that you use this service to create your PDF files. Manuscripts that are not IEEE Xplore-compatible will not be accepted in the conference record.
In order to ensure a timely release of the CR, please follow this procedure for manuscript submission.
Produce IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file
using PDF eXpress
The IEEE PDF eXpress service will be available for the NSS-MIC authors between Oct. 1 and Nov. 30, 2015. You need to enter the conference ID 31482X, and set up an account on that system.
You can upload your word processor file to the web site and have it converted to PDF. Shortly after your upload, an electronic proof in PDF format will be generated and emailed to you. You need to retrieve this IEEE Xplore-compatible file either from the PDF eXpress web site or from your email. You can also use this service to verify your own PDF file for Xplore-compatibility. Detailed instructions on the PDF eXpress service are available at IEEE.
PDF eXpress is NOT the final destination for your manuscript. You must submit your manuscript to the Guest Editor following the step below.
Submit the Xplore-compatible PDF file
and the IEEE Copyright Form
Log on to this web site and follow the menu "Paper Submission" and then "My Abstracts". Click on the abstract title or number. You will see both links for uploading your manuscript ("Upload Manuscript") and for submitting the copyright form electronically ("Submit Copyright Form"). Follow the instructions on the web site to complete both tasks. Your PDF file will be checked for Xplore-compatibility. Non-Xplore-compatible files will not be included in the CR.
If you are not authorized to submit the IEEE Copyright Form, please start the approval process well before the submission deadline.
The deadline for the Conference Record manuscript submission is Nov. 23, 2015.
All manuscripts submitted through the conference web site will be made available immediately at the "Conference Record" web link. However, only those that meet the following requirements will be included in the CR:
1. Paper (oral or poster) has been presented at the conference;
2. Manuscript conforms to the page layout requirements specified in the online templates;
3. PDF file is IEEE Xplore-compatible;
4. PDF file and the electronic copyright form are received no later than the Nov. 23 deadline;
Author Information on Originality of Content
It is common in technical publishing for material to be presented at various stages of its evolution. As one example, this can take the form of publishing early ideas in a workshop, more developed work in a conference and fully developed contributions as journal or transactions papers. The IEEE recognizes the importance of this evolutionary publication process as an important means of scientific communication and fully supports this publishing paradigm, and so does the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, the sponsor of NSS-MIC. For the conference record this means that the above-mentioned evolutionary process must clearly be visible when material is intended to be published in both the conference record and any of the IEEE Transactions that are peer-reviewed journals of archival value, such as the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging or the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. The editors of these journals will check the conference record for compliance with this rule. However, on the other hand, abstract-only submissions to the conference record are discouraged. Submissions that comprise not more than an abstract will not be considered for publication in the conference record.
Please make sure you observe the IEEE publishing rules which can be found here.
IEEE Publishing has finalized changes to its policies which will have a major impact on our conference proceedings/conference record publications. In particular, we will no longer be allowed to publish in a peer-reviewed journal (e.g., TNS) any paper which is substantially the same as that which has been published in a conference record and thus appears in IEEE Xplore. In particular, authors will no longer be allowed to submit the same (or substantially the same) manuscript to both the conference record and to any of our journals. Any such manuscript submitted to a journal will be rejected without review.
This change will affect authors submitting papers to conference records for the NSS/MIC Conference. The wording of the new policy is "Any republished technical article that is made available on IEEE Xplore shall not substantially duplicate a previously posted and accessible article on IEEE Xplore." Although there are not strict guidelines for how to interpret "substantially duplicate," a rule of thumb would be that any manuscript submitted to a journal must contain at least 50% more substantive content than that which appears in a conference record paper.
Conference authors who wish to submit work to both the NSS/MIC Conference Record and to a peer-reviewed journal should submit only an abstract (or an extended abstract) to the Conference Record, and then to submit a complete manuscript to the journal for consideration.