Young Professionals Session
Thursday, November 5, 2015, 19:00 – 22:00
Location: Meeting House, Sunset Room
Organizer: Christoph Ilgner
The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society (NPSS) promotes the activities of the IEEE Young Professionals (YP - former: GOLD - Graduates of the Last Decade) program. A special reception will be held on Thursday, November 5, from 19:00 to 22:00. Refreshments will be served and attendance is free but restricted to IEEE Young Professionals members.
In a comfortable and casual atmosphere, warm relationship between the attendees will be easily established. After a short welcome address, the participants will be invited to take refreshment while listening to speakers who look back on their careers in both academia and industry. Their brief talks will focus on what were the steps they have undertaken to get to where they are today. Please note that it will be possible to attend the keynote speech by Janet Barth at the Women-in-Engineering function without missing any of the YP talks.
Over the past few years, the reception for young professionals at NSS-MIC has proven to foster direct contact between young professionals and colleagues at the peak of their careers. Therefore, if you are an IEEE Young Professionals member or have joined the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences society at the conference, you are welcome to participate. If you wish to become an IEEE member, please check the IEEE website ( for more information. Or, even easier, visit us at the IEEE membership/Conference Information and Promotion desk.
Still not convinced to attend? Here is a statement by an attendee of an earlier event: “I really enjoyed the short talks given by professionals. The talk I liked most was the one given by a representative from Siemens Medical Solutions. He is working in a field I have always been excited about, and where I would like to work after having completed my Ph.D. I got some valuable hints on how to get closer to my goal”.