Access to Talent Program – for Organisations

After previous successes at ICRA and IROS, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society will again be organizing an official Access to Talent Program in conjunction with ICRA 2018. This program is targeted at small and large robotics companies, and provides an outstanding opportunity for employers to showcase their company and to conduct on-site interviews with prospective employees.

It includes two activities:

(1) For Those Seeking Employment Opportunities

Conference attendees (primarily students) interested in robotics-related employment opportunities can upload their contact information, interests and resumé to a database that will be made available to the recruiting companies.  Interested companies will then have the opportunity to conduct on-site interviews.

Instructions for applicants will be sent by email once you have registered for ICRA2018.

(2) Recruiting Companies

Companies interested in recruiting at ICRA2018 will have access to the following resources:

  • A searchable resume database of conference attendees interested in robotics related employment
  • Some space for conducting on-site interviews
  • Poster space (limited per company) during the exhibition to advertise the company and its available positions.


Companies must be sponsors or exhibitors at ICRA2018 and can select the ‘Access to Talent Program’ option on the sponsorship and exhibition application form.

Fees for companies:

This service is available only to ICRA2018 Sponsors and Exhibitors with fees as follows:

Complimentary to our Sponsors in the following categories: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.
$2,000 for companies with more than 50 employees
$500 for companies with less than 50 employees

Release of database for companies:

Participating sponsors and exhibitors will have access to the database 2 weeks prior to ICRA2018.

Interview space: Companies will have access to a private interview space. Time slots will be assigned based on requests, in a first come first serve manner.


For more information, please contact

To register to the conference, please visit the ICRA2018 registration page.