Global Entrepreneurs Dinner

Global Entrepreneurs Dinner

The Global Entrepreneurs Dinner will see the launch of the Trusted Autonomous Systems Defence CRC as well as feature a guest speaker, robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks.

Date: Wednesday 23 May 2018
Venue: Brisbane City Hall, Brisbane City
19:00 – 23:00
Dress: Lounge-Business suit
Tickets: Tickets to 3-course seated banquet dinner and drinks can be purchased for $150 AUD.

The Trusted Autonomous Systems Defence CRC, has been established to research, develop and deliver world-leading trusted autonomous Defence  technology. Build new and innovative IP through focused research and technology programs, while assisting Australian industry in developing new, improved and competitive autonomy technologies. Evaluate the utility of autonomous systems to Defence through capability demonstrations. Transform the capacity and ability of defence to acquire, deploy and sustain leading-edge autonomous and robotic technologies. And improve the competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of Australian Industry.

The methodology to achieve these outcomes is to; foster collaboration between Defence, Industry and research organisations. Increase SME participation in collaborative research, improve research skills and capabilities in the Australian Defence Industry with an Agile approach “build a little- test a little- repeat”.

Robots at Scale presented by Rodney Brooks

Innovation at the level of invention and newness can be accomplished with government funding at Universities, and with seed funding in startup accelerators.  Both are critically important aspects of getting new ideas to the market place. But getting robots deployed into the world at scale requires additional levels of support and creativity. The deployment of robotics hardware, where the customers incur capital costs, is very different from the deployment of web software where there is close to zero marginal cost of browser-based deployment.  Innovative hardware requires large and sustained capital investments in companies. This talk will cover some of the speaker’s experiences in getting more than 20 million robots, variously, to Mars, into homes, into the battlefield, into damaged nuclear power plants, and into factories world wide.

Rodney Brooks is the Panasonic Professor of Robotics (Emeritus) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he was director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) until 2007.  He completed an M.Sc. at the Flinders University of South Australia (with a thesis in Machine Learning, and no, it is way too embarrassing to share), and then a machine vision Ph.D. in Computer Science at Stanford University in 1981.  He was a post-doc at CMU and MIT, and on the faculty at Stanford from 1983-1984, before joining the MIT faculty. His research has concentrated on machine vision, mobile robots, humanoid robots, and Artificial Life. In addition he was co-founder of iRobot Corporation, and founder of Rethink Robotics. He is a member if the US National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Australia Academy of Science  and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.