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Video Presentation Upload

Dear Author,

ICRA 2020 will be held fully online. We have opted for a format where each contributed paper presentation will take the form of a pre-recorded video, which we will make available to conference attendees. We will further offer the possibility to discuss the papers and presentations asynchronously starting on the originally scheduled main conference dates of June 1, 2020. The proceedings will be available online until at least July 31, 2020 so you can view the presentations at your leisure. To allow for technical discussions we also provide a slack workspace for each paper.

We hence request you to prepare and upload a video of your presentation. This will be considered as a replacement of your attendance at the conference. Please note that the file must be a video file in one of the following formats: mp4, mpeg, mpg (more details below). Please do not try to upload powerpoint or PDF files.

You are also kindly required to submit a release form with your video, as it is not covered by the original copyright transfert. The deadline for the submission is May 20.

While we are unable to provide individualized technical support to help you create your video, one possible approach to record a compatible video from content displayed on your computer screen and voice recorded via the computer microphone, is to record the presentation using Zoom, available to users on most platforms and in most countries.

Another useful tool to record your presentation is Loom. It lets you record quickly a screencast with voiceover and your face. It's quite easy to turn a PPT into a fine presentation video; consider checking this out.

We ask that you please upload your video by:

*** May 20, 2020, 23:59:59 PST *** .

Please use the following guidelines for preparing your video.

Duration: up to 10 minutes.

File size limit: 50MB file

File format: mp4, mpeg, mpg

Minimum height: 480 pixels

Aspect ratio: 16:9

Please note the above specifications will be checked at the time of submission and files not meeting them will be prevented from being uploaded.

Except for the above duration and digital constraints, the form of the presentation is left free (though please be sure the video includes the title of the paper, the authors, and a mention to ICRA 2020). 

Follow the instructions below to upload the file. The corresponding author has received a papercept link to the submission page where you can upload the video. Alternatively, the corresponding author can login to his workspace and follow the link to upload (or re-upload) your video presentation file until the deadline.

Please start early: given that the resulting video files will be very large, they might need a long time to transfer, and you might not be able to upload them in time if you start late.

We hope to make ICRA a success despite the difficult situation we find ourselves in, and this unusual conference format. We thank you for your cooperation in this endeavor.


Stéphane Régnier, General Chair

Wolfram Burgard, Program Chair

Video Presentation Upload

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