IROS 2011: The PR2 Workshop

Results, Challenges and Lessons Learned in Advancing Robots with a Common Platform


In recent years, the use of common software and hardware platforms has played a big role in focusing and advancing the state of the art in areas like legged locomotion (the Littledog program), rough terrain navigation (the LAGR program) and robot soccer (RoboCup). To this end, over the last few years, Willow Garage has been engaged in an effort to build a community around a common software platform (ROS) and a common mobile manipulation platform (the PR2 robot). This full-day workshop is intended to present results, challenges and lessons learnt from this international effort using the PR2 as a common platform for robotics research. The workshop will serve to showcase the impressive research in manipulation, perception, navigation, mapping, HRI, controls and other areas conducted with the PR2 robot. Live demonstrations by the presenters will allow the audience to view cutting edge research in action. The research results and tools presented in this workshop have found wider use in the robotics research community and will be of interest to the entire conference audience. The workshop will conclude with a discussion on the challenges and lessons learned in effective collaboration and sharing for robotics research with a common platform.


The goal of this workshop is to bring together the growing community of PR2 users, both those with physical PR2 robots and those doing work in simulation, to present technical work, see what others in the community are working on, and form lasting collaborations.  Approximately 20 sites now have a physical PR2, and several more are working with the PR2 in simulation. Technical papers centered around the PR2 have appeared in major conferences such as IROS and ICRA. This workshop will provide a common venue for dissemination of results from the PR2 research community showcasing cutting edge research in multiple areas that will be of interest to a large number of conference attendees.

The presenters at this workshop are members of the robotics community working with the PR2 robot, either in simulation or on the actual hardware. The physical PR2 robot is currently available to approximately 20 sites around the world, while the simulator for the PR2 robot is based on the open-source Gazebo software and is potentially available to the entire robotics research community. The only thematic requirement for work to be presented at the workshop is that it must be done on, or highly relevant to, the PR2 platform.


Invited talks:
       Steve Cousins (Willow Garage)
       Charlie Kemp (Georgia Tech)

Oral presentations with live demos:
       A. Herzog, P. Pastor, M. Kalakrishnan, L. Righetti, T. Asfour and S. Schaal - Template-Based Learning of Grasp Selection [pdf | video]
       A. Hornung, E.G. Jones, S. Chitta, M. Bennewitz, M. Phillips and M. Likhachev - Towards Navigation in Three-Dimensional Cluttered Environments [pdf | video]
       A. Perez, S. Karaman, E. Frazzoli, S. Teller and M. Walter - Asymptotically-optimal Path Planning for Manipulation using Incremental Sampling-based Algorithms [pdf | video]
       C. Potthast and G. Sukhatme - Next Best View Estimation With Eye In Hand Camera [pdf | video]
       P. Vernaza and D.D. Lee - Learning Dimensional Descent planning for a highly-articulated robot arm [pdf | video]

Oral presentations with videos:
       J. Becker, C. Bersch, D. Pangercic, B. Pitzer, T. Ruhr, B. Sankaran, J. Sturm, C. Stachniss, M. Beetz and W. Burgard - Mobile Manipulation of Kitchen Containers [pdf | video]
       M. Bryan, V. Thomas, G. Nicoll, L. Chang, J.R. Smith and R.P.N. Rao - What You Think is What You Get: Brain-Controlled Interfacing for the PR2 [pdf | video]
       B. Cohen, M. Phillips, S. Chitta and M. Likhachev - Search-based Manipulation Planning for the PR2 [pdf | video]
       L.-T. Jiang and J.R. Smith - “Seashell Effect” Pretouch for Robot Grasping [pdf | video]
       B. Pitzer, S. Osentoski, P. Roan, C. Bersh, J. Becker - Making robots cheaper, more capable, and safer [pdf | video]

Poster presentations with live demos:
       J. Barry, M. Bollini, A. Holladay, L. Pack Kaelbling and T. Lozano-Perez - Planning and Control Under Uncertainty for the PR2 [pdf | video]
       M. Bollini, J. Barry and D. Rus - BakeBot: Baking Cookies with the PR2 [pdf | video]
       B. Cohen, D. Benamy, A. Cowley, W. McMahan and J. Romano - POOP SCOOP: Perception Of Offensive Products and Sensorized Control Of Object Pickup [pdf | video]

Poster presentations with videos:
       L. Chang, J.R. Smith and D. Fox - Interactive singulation of objects from a pile [pdf | video]
       M. Gupta and G. Sukhatme - Duplo Bricks Sorting by PR2 [pdf | video]
       K. Okada, M. Saito, H. Chen and M. Inaba - Towards Real Robot Service Application that We Can Use Everyday [pdf | video]
       S. Gray, C. Clingerman, M. Likhachev and S. Chitta - PR2: Opening Spring-Loaded Doors [pdf | video]
       A. St. Clair and M.J. Mataric - Studying Coordinating Behavior in Human-Robot Task Collaborations Using the PR2 [pdf | video]
       D. Vanthienen, T. De Laet, W. Decre, R. Smits, M. Klotzbucher, K. Buys, S. Bellens, L. Gherardi, H. Bruyninckx and J. De Shutter - iTaSC as a unified framework for task specification, control, and coordination, demonstrated on the PR2 [pdf | video]
       L. Riano and T.M. McGinnity - Autonomous Skills Buildings and Re-Use of Software in Robotics [pdf | video]
       K. Buys, S. Bellens, N. Vanthienen, W. Decre, M. Klotzbucher, T. De Laet, R. Smits, H. Bruyninckx and J. De Schutter - Haptic coupling with the PR2 as a demo of the OROCOS - ROS - Blender integration [pdf | video]


William D. Smart

Washington University in St. Louis


Sachin Chitta

Willow Garage

Caroline Pantofaru                                                                                                              

Willow Garage

Radu Rusu

Willow Garage

Willow Garage logo