Richard Vaughan
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Talk Title: Robust Interaction in Human-Robot Teams.
Abstract: Sensing technology for robots has improved dramatically in the last few years, but we do not see robots around us yet. How should robots behave around people, animals and each other to get things done? My group works on behavioural strategies for mobile robots that exploit the new sensing capabilities, and allows them to perform sophisticated, robust interactions with the world and other agents. I’ll describe a series of vision-mediated Human-Robot Interactions with teams of driving and flying robots. In most cases the mechanisms we use are surprisingly simple, yet the results are very effective.
Bio: Richard Vaughan is a Professor of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University, where he directs the Autonomy Lab. His research interests include multi-robot systems, robot energy and resource management, human-robot interaction, robot software engineering, and behavioural ecology. He serves on the administrative committee of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and the editorial board of the Autonomous Robots journal. He demonstrated the first robot control of animal behaviour, was co-lead of the Player/Stage Project, and showed the first un-instrumented HRI with UAVs. He was Program Chair of IROS 2017, Vancouver. Previously at HRL Laboratories, the University of Southern California, the University of Oxford, and the University of Sussex.