Call for Competitions

The ICRA 2022 Organizing Committee invites proposals for competitions to be held during ICRA in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, in May 2022. The competitions provide a unique venue for state-of-the-art technical demonstrations from research labs throughout academia and industry. Conference attendees and media representatives will have the opportunity to experience live demonstrations of robotic technology via these competitions (assuming pandemic constraints allow).

Proposals must include the following information:

  1. A brief description of the competition, including what particular task is under evaluation and why the competition is of interest to the ICRA community.
  2. A draft of the rules and assessment.
  3. Time schedule for competition day(s).
  4. A list of possible participants.
  5. Awards planning, including any financial plans.
  6. Request for the Organizing Committee for facilities including required space (area in square feet and minimum height) along with power, networking, and other requirements.
  7. Names, contact information, and brief CVs of the competition organizers, describing experience in organizing previous competitions, workshops, etc.

All submissions will undergo a standard review process within the Organizing Committee. Acceptance decisions will be based upon the potential significance, sustainability in future ICRA meetings, and logistical requirements. All the submissions should be made via email to with the heading "Proposal to ICRA2022 Competitions: your name".

Important Dates

Submission deadline 20 January 2022
Acceptance notification 3 February 2022
Competitions 23-28 May 2022

For any questions regarding the ICRA 2022 competitions, please contact the competition co-chairs under

Competition Chair

Mark Yim, University of Pennsylvania