For your convenience we have organized special group rate at the hotel listed below.
Reservations must be made by 5:00pm Eastern Time on Friday, 29 April, 2022. Once room block is sold out, the hotel will offer rooms/rates based upon availability.
The hotel may require a one-night deposit in advance, by credit card, to guarantee a reservation. Please review the hotel's cancellation and refund policy when making your reservation.
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
The official headquarter hotel
1200 Filbert St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
IEEE negotiated a special group rate of US$246.00 per night for ICRA 2022 attendees. This group rate is inclusive of service fees, but exclusive of taxes. Hotel’s room rates are subject a Hospitality District Levy (currently .75% of the Guest Room Rate) per room per night plus applicable state and local taxes (currently 15.5%) in effect at the time of check-out.
Book your room online at the group rate
If you prefer to book your reservation by phone, please call: 1-800-266-9423 Conference attendees must reference IEEE ICRA when making hotel reservations.