Call for Contributions

The 39th IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) will take place at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, USA on May 23-27, 2022. As the flagship conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, ICRA will bring together the world's top researchers and most important companies to share ideas and advances in our field. The conference will include plenary sessions, contributed paper sessions, workshops and tutorial sessions, forums, videos, exhibitions, and robot competitions.

As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first industrial robot, our discipline is advancing at tremendous pace while the socio-economic impact of our field continues to expand. Robotics and automation are increasingly taking the center stage in our lives and will play an important role in the future of work of our society, which is the theme of the conference. The ICRA 2022 conference will provide an ideal forum for sharing exciting scientific advances that will shape the future of work while also embracing economic and social considerations of our discipline. Please join by contributing to the ICRA 2022 program in the following ways.

Contributed papers

Papers to ICRA can be submitted on the ICRA 2022 submission page through either of the following options:

  1. Submission to ICRA (paper deadline Sept 14, Sept 15 2021, accompanying video deadline Sept 21, 2021). The page limit is 6 pages for the paper (text, figures, tables, acknowledgement, etc.) + any number of pages for the bibliography/references. Papers exceeding the (6+n) page limit at the time of submission will be returned without review.
  2. Submission to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) journal with the ICRA 2022 option (paper and accompanying video deadline Sept 9, 2021). Six pages in standard ICRA format are allowed for each paper, including figures and references, and a maximum of two additional pages can be purchased. Details are provided on the RA-L webpage and FAQ.

All papers must be submitted in PDF and must follow the ICRA double column format. Templates are available here. We strongly encourage authors to submit a video clip to complement the submission. 

Detailed Video submission guidelines for contributed ICRA papers (for videos submitted with RA-L papers please see instructions here):

  • File size: up to 20MB
  • Format (only one of the following should be used): mpeg, mp4, mpg
  • Maximum duration: 180 sec.
  • Minimum height: 480
  • Minimum frame rate (fps): 20
  • Scan type: Progressive

A video that was NOT submitted with the initial submission of an ICRA paper or RA-L paper with the ICRA option, will NOT be accepted at a later date. 

Contributed stand-alone videos

The ICRA 2022 organizing committee encourages researchers and the general public to submit stand-alone videos that capture the present and the future of robotics. We are soliciting videos in three categories: state-of-the-art in robotics and automation technology or early adoption by consumers and impact on society, negative results/bloopers, and imagining the future. We welcome videos showing early results as well as well-researched results. The emphasis should be on real systems, or realistic models, and should be accessible to everyone, both in terms of content and in terms of presentation.

To submit a video to ICRA 2022, please refer to the following instructions:

  • Duration: 1-4 minutes.
  • Size: up to 50 MB.
  • Format (only one of the following should be used): mpeg, mp4, mpg
  • Maximum duration: 240 sec
  • Minimum video quality: 720p
  • Minimum frame rate (fps): 24
  • Codecs: Do not use special codecs in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. Any variance from the suggested formatting may result in difficulties playing the file on different platforms and could be blocked.
  • If recorded footage is sped up in the video, the speedup factor should be clearly indicated.
  • Audio is optional, but lack of audio should have minimal impact on the comprehension of the video.
  • Structure: The video must include at the beginning a video cover with the title, authors and affiliation and the credits at the end.

The video should not have any commercial pitch and the authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. The copyright should be released to the conference.

The submission of the videos will be through the electronic submission process via PaperPlaza, the deadline is Sept 21, 2021.

Each video submission must be accompanied by a one-page description in PDF file format, which includes:

  1. title, authors, and affiliation
  2. video category (regular video OR blooper)
  3. 200-word abstract, and
  4. contact information

The selected videos (and the PDF descriptions) will be linked in the program. Videos will be displayed during the conference and to the public via social media and IEEE TV. 

Presentation of T-RO and RAM papers

Papers accepted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO) or IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM) may be invited to present at ICRA 2022. Eligible authors will be contacted by the EiC of T-RO/RAM. For more details: T-RO policy, RAM policy.

Tutorials and workshops

Tutorials and workshops will be held on May 23 and May 27 and represent informal forums for researchers interested in a specific topic. We encourage proposers to think outside the box when preparing their proposal and focus on formats that encourage discussion and remote participation. Proposers are also asked to ensure a diversity of thought and background in their proposed event.

Detailed instructions for submissions of workshops and tutorials


Live robot competitions are a great way to validate robotics research approaches and generate public interest. Previous competitions and new suggestions are welcome.

Detailed instructions for submissions of competition proposals