 A Bilbao
 H Chiang
 R Clifton
 N Custance
 G Greneker
 N Grist
 M Jonckheere
 R Lazarick
 D Pritchard
 B Rich
 L Sanson
 C Smith
 G D Smith
 G Thomas
 J Veatch
 T Wood
 S Yen

tom's credit photoTom Wood is the Deputy Division Director of the Security Enforcement Division of the Federal Protective Service branch of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Tom has worked in the security and emergency management fields for more than 10 years, including guard force management, conducting risk and vulnerability assessments, managing facility security programs, and developing law enforcement training.  Tom was a key developer of the vulnerability assessment methodology and toolset in use by US agencies to evaluate airport security.  He is also a cadre instructor of the US Department of Justice's class on Incident Response to Terrorist Bombings.

In addition, Tom is a volunteer firefighter-EMT in Northern Virginia, where he is a Truck Company Lieutenant.  He teaches all levels of firefighting and rescue classes at the Prince WIlliam County Fire Academy in Virginia.

Tom has had a number of papers published in the Carnahan proceedings since 1999, and was elected to the Executive Committee in 2002. 

Building Security and Policy Division
Public Building Service
General Services Administration
1800 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20405
Tel: 202-219-0291


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