Oral Presentation Guidelines

Oral Session Logistics

  • Each session room will be set with an LCD projector, a microphone, and a laser pointer. A presentation laptop will be provided in the session room – no personal laptops will be permitted. Speakers shall upload their presentations in the Computer Room (Rooms 613 and 614) no later than 2 hours before the beginning of their session.
  • Each oral presentation is allocated 15 minutes. You should spend about 12 minutes for presentation of the problem, the background, the innovative approach, the new results, and - if appropriate - the comparative evaluation. The remaining 3 minutes should be reserved for questions and discussion with the attendees.

Suggestions for a Good Oral Presentation

  • The presenter should prepare a reasonable number of slides – a Power Point or PDF file, so as not to exceed the 15 minute time allocation. Typically, one (1) slide is presented in one to two minutes. Additional backup slides could be prepared to support anticipated responses to attendees' questions.
  • Each slide should not be crowded by text and graphics. Too much text should be avoided: slides should support the presentation; they should not be simply read by the presenter. Graphics help in communications, are more understandable, and point out the basic ideas. Use large fonts so they can be read without difficulty by the audience; typically 18-20 point fonts should be used.
  • The presentation should be clearly structured. The basic problem and innovative approach should be clearly stated. Background and previous work should be summarized to provide a prospective for the results presented in the paper. The results should be clearly outlined and evaluated. Appropriate comparison with previous results should be presented. Conclusions should summarize the work performed and point out the main innovation and results. Future work and developments could also be articulated – time permitting.

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster Session Logistics

  • The poster sessions will be 90 minutes to two hours long.
  • The Authors(s) are expected to:
    • Be set up prior to the session.
    • Be present at their poster for the entire two hour session.
    • Explain their paper to the collected audience and answer questions as appropriate.


  • The Poster Exhibition (Room 4B) is adjacent to the Industrial Exhibition (Room 4A).
  • Poster setup can begin as early as Sunday Evening (9 November). Authors are encouraged to leave their posters on display until the end of the conference - if possible.
  • It is strongly suggested that authors provide a supply of contact information sheets, that include the author's photo, for attendees' use when the author is not present.
  • Poster locations are assigned. Authors will be notified of their location by email from the Program Chair.
  • Maps of the Poster Session layout will be provided.


  • The area for your poster materials is 8 feet (2.43 m) tall by 4 feet (1.22 m) wide (NOTE: vertical orientation) with a 1 inch (2.54 cm) border. As an example, the typical A0 size poster is 1.189 m x 0.841 m.
  • All poster materials shall be provided by the Author(s). Commercial, on-site poster printing (FedEx office) is possible at the author's expense.
  • Push pins will be provided at the Conference to attach poster materials to the poster board.
  • Please review your poster dimensions before you arrive to ensure that it will fit in the defined space.

Suggestions for a Good Poster Presentation

  • The title of the poster session should be displayed in large font, 36 – 60 point, to help the audience find your paper.
  • Your main point or conclusion should be in large font if it is not covered in the title.
  • A font below 18 point is difficult for the audience to read. Try to use this font size as the minimum on your presentation.
  • Avoid large sections of text in all capitals; it can be difficult to read. Use capitals and/or BOLD to emphasize your points.
  • Display the highlights of your presentation in larger font, 24 - 40. Use color to emphasize the important points.
  • Pictures, charts, and graphs are very effective when kept simple. Too much detail will obscure the main points. Use color!
  • Information flow is most effective if it is from left to right and top to bottom.
  • Your posted materials should be as self-explanatory as possible. Attract the audience’s attention and then answer detailed questions. Remember that attendees will also be viewing your poster when you are not present.
  • Consider that the viewers will be two to three meters away from your material and adjust the print font, charts, graphs, and figures accordingly. The audience will not have the time or the space to read pages of text.
  • The audience at poster sessions moves! They may want to visit several posters during the session. If you are planning to give a presentation of your material, it will probably have to be repeated several times as the audience changes. Be brief, hit the high points, and invite questions.
  • Some visitors may be very interested in your topic and will want to monopolize your session time with questions. This may turn away other visitors that are also interested. Recognize this as a factor and be prepared to acknowledge all visitors.
  • If you want to interact with certain audience members at a later time, offer business cards or contact information.
  • To maintain poster quality, posters printed on paper should be rolled and not folded for transportation.

Important IEEE Policy Announcement

The Poster Session Chair(s) will be present in the room and will verify attendance at the assigned Poster Session. The paper must be presented at the conference to be published in the IEEE 2014 NSS/MIC Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®. The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore®) if the paper is not presented during the conference.

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE Communications society will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.

IEEE Web Page on Plagiarism

IEEE Web Page on Double Submission